Cookie Policy & Settings

The Fanblock website and apps ("Fanblock Platforms") are operated by Fanblock AG, Zug, Switzerland ("Fanblock")

When you visit Fanblock Platforms, information relating to the pages you look at may be saved in so-called cookies that are stored on the device that is being used to access the Fanblock Platforms, or using similar technologies such as tracking pixels. This cookie policy explains what cookies and tracking pixels are, the cookies and tracking pixels Fanblock uses, what Fanblock uses them for, and how you can adjust your settings in relation to the cookies and tracking pixels Fanblock uses.

This cookie policy should be read together with our Fanblock Privacy Policy, which sets out how and why Fanblock collects, store, uses and shares personal information generally, as well as your rights in relation to your personal information and details of how to contact Fanblock and the relevant supervisory authorities if you have a complaint.

Fanblock may change this Cookie Policy from time to time and publish updated versions to the applicable Fanblock Platforms, together with notices of changes where appropriate.

1. What is a cookie?

Cookies are text files that may - depending on your settings - be stored on the hard drive of your device (be it a computer, tablet, mobile phone or any other device that can access the internet) when you visit a website or click on an advertisement. Cookies are used to identify the device on which they are saved and are operational for a limited period of time.

2. Why do we use cookies?

There are different types of cookie that may be saved on your device while browsing the Fanblock Platforms. The intended purpose and settings of each are described below.

xsrftokenThis cookie is set by Fanblock as a security measure.Session
_fanblock_sessionThis cookie is set by Fanblock when you log in order to remember you as the current user.Session
gaThis cookie is set by Google Analytics to anonymously identify visitors to measure the update of information and potential conversion to registered users. More information on Google privacy policy6 months
storefront_digestRelated to Shopify's storefront or theme settings.Session
cookies-functionalUsed to remember user choices related to the functionality of the site.12 months
cookies-preferencesUsed to remember user choices regarding cookie preferences.12 months
_shopify_y, _shopify_s, _shopify_sa_t, _shopify_sa_pUsed for managing shopping sessions and analytics.Session, up to 12 months
cookies-analyticsTracks user consent for analytical cookies. Duration can vary, often lasting a year.12 months
cookies-marketingTracks user consent for marketing cookies.12 months

3. What are tracking pixels?

In addition to the five types of cookie described above, the Fanblock Platforms may use so-called tracking pixels to monitor the effectiveness of various elements of the Fanblock Platforms (including advertising elements). Tracking pixels are very small 1x1 pixel images integrated into the code of the Fanblock Platforms.

When you visit Fanblock Platforms, tracking pixels sends a limited amount of information to the pixel server. This information is used only for statistical purposes in relation to (i) the number of different users of the Fanblock Platforms; (ii) the number and type of pages visited; and (iii) the effectiveness of communication and advertising strategies.

The information collected may include, for example, football club browsed, type of blocks browsed, engagement activities browsed, your browser language, your IP address and your location data (for example, country of residency).

4. The cookies and tracking pixels we use

The list available under each cookies details provides more information about the cookies and tracking pixels Fanblock uses and why.

5. Consent to use cookies or tracking pixels

Fanblock asks for your permission (consent) to place cookies, tracking pixels and any similar technologies on your device, except where these are essential for us to provide you with a service that you have requested (e.g. to enable you to purchase blocks and use the check-out process).

There is a notice on Fanblock Platforms that describes how we use cookies and requests your consent to place cookies on your device.

6. How do I manage cookies and tracking pixels?

a. Adjusting your settings via Fanblock's Cookie Management Hub

The Cookie Management Hub can be used to customise your cookie preferences at any time according to your needs and preferences. This tool records your consents and specifically controls the performance and targeting cookies activated when using the Fanblock Platforms.

If you wish to restrict or block the use of cookies in general, you can configure your browser to display a warning message each time a cookie is about to be stored, or you can block all cookies. You can also manually delete any cookies already sent through your browser. For information about how to do this, please refer to sections b and c below.

For ease of navigation, Fanblock recommends that you accept cookies on Fanblock Platforms and do not delete them. Otherwise, some of the features of the Fanblock Platforms may not display or function properly.

b. Adjusting your settings on different browsers

Cookie management varies from browser to browser. Use your browser's help menu to find out how to adjust your cookie settings, or click on the relevant link below:

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer

Cookie settings in Chrome

Cookie settings in Safari

Cookie settings in Firefox

c. Third-party cookies and how to block them

You can also block specific types of cookie without adjusting your browser settings.

i. Blocking audience-measuring cookies

Audience-measuring cookies have been placed on our site by Google Analytics. You can block these cookies by clicking on the deactivation link below, downloading the add-on and installing it on your browser. The add-on is compatible with Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.

Google Analytics deactivation link: Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

Please note that the add-on will save a cookie on your device, but that cookie will be used only to prevent your browser from transmitting data to Google Analytics. For more information on deactivating Google Analytics and installing the browser add-on, click here: Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on

For more information on Google Analytics' privacy policy, click here: Safeguarding your data

ii. Blocking social network cookies

To block cookies used by social networks (e.g. via sharing buttons), follow the instructions in the links below:




iii. Tracking pixels and how to block them

Blocking cookies will not automatically block tracking pixels from sending information to the pixel server. You can block this by setting your browser to be as restrictive as possible with external graphics, by adjusting your firewall settings and/or by using certain browser extensions. This may, however, restrict other functions.

7. How to contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about this cookie policy or the information we hold about you. You can email us at